Oct 12, 2009 20:08

The caravan leaves the oasis in the early morning on Monday; the guardsmen comb the oasis to make sure they're leaving no one behind ( Read more... )

!event, sonic, npc: clara, npc: mikney, demyx, npc: nora, npc: devorah, temeraire, tails, !open npc post, npc: jason, npc: maxwell, guy, daxter, cris gainfly, npc: human, bret mcclegnie, leslie burke, npc: frederick, cho takahashi

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precursor_dax October 16 2009, 00:37:11 UTC
Daxter sighed a little overdramatically, looking around at the endless stretch of desert around them. The caravan seemed to be getting nowhere. Thankfully he'd been accommodated by one of the worldwalkers and allowed to hitch a ride on his shoulder. Unsurpisingly it was the mute one too. Now that brought back memories.


creaoi_ang_cor October 16 2009, 05:32:35 UTC
Cris was almost surprised to hear the... thing... sitting on the man's shoulder let out a sigh. Almost. Because he'd seen the talking cat and that blue... other thing... at the meeting back in the oasis. So the look he gave this new creature was one of only slight surprise.

Even so, it quickly melted into a sympathetic smile.


precursor_dax October 16 2009, 05:37:48 UTC
Daxter shot Cris a grin coupled with a shrug. Not much could be done for the time being. But the Ottsel had to admit this place had its good points...namely the fact that people didn't give him the evil eye the instant they noticed him. "How's it goin'?" he asked.


creaoi_ang_cor October 16 2009, 05:41:07 UTC
Cris let out a sigh. "Hot," he answered with an honest nod. "Sandy. Thirsty. And my feet hurt."

He gave another small smile, as if to say, Well, what can you do. "My name's Cris."


precursor_dax October 16 2009, 05:45:26 UTC
Daxter could identify with all but the last one, and nodded. "Daxter," he said, carefully hopping down to walk over to Cris. "Nice to meetcha."


creaoi_ang_cor October 16 2009, 05:51:30 UTC
"It's a pleasure, Daxter." Oh by the Lady, he was... cute. Cris imagined his own mother wanting to take Daxter home and put him in a pen in the garden.

That probably wasn't the sort of thing to say, though. Not when they'd just met, anyway. "I don't recall seeing you around before." Though you are rather small.


precursor_dax October 16 2009, 05:56:46 UTC
"I'm pretty new here," Daxter replied. "I got here right before that thunderstorm did." Man his luck just sucked like that. "But I can be pretty scarce when I wanna be, y'know?"


creaoi_ang_cor October 16 2009, 06:00:52 UTC
At that, Daxter would get a wry smirk sent in his direction. "I won't lie to you: that could end up being a handy skill in a place like this."


precursor_dax October 16 2009, 06:18:36 UTC
"You're talking about this business with the druid and the merry mermaids?" Daxter said. "Sounds about like things back home." Only home was Praxis and the merry Metalheads.


creaoi_ang_cor October 16 2009, 15:03:14 UTC
"All I mean is, you seem like you don't have to be found if you don't want to be. Which is a rather useful skill in general, really." Cassandra had that skill, in a way. She could go anywhere, see anything without being discovered while astral projecting. But it wasn't the same as being able to hide at a moment's notice.

"So you come from a world at war?"


precursor_dax October 16 2009, 19:25:56 UTC
"Yeah, well it helps that most people don't usually give me a second thought."

"Dude I was in that war before I knew it was happening," Daxter said. Who knew being an exterminator would turn out like that? But this was one little Ottsel who proved he could make it on his own. "I'm guessing you don't?"


creaoi_ang_cor October 18 2009, 05:48:22 UTC
"Parts of it." Cris turned to look around at the worldwalkers and soldiers surrounding them. "But not the part I was in. I read about war in the papers, heard about it through rumor, learned about it through history. Never experienced it. Not until now." He was still determined to avoid it wherever possible.


precursor_dax October 18 2009, 06:17:37 UTC
"I'd call that pretty lucky," daxter said, feeling a bit jealous. He paused a moment to scratch an itch. Soft fur could still itch like nobody's business. "How long've you been here so far?"


creaoi_ang_cor October 18 2009, 06:26:10 UTC
Cris had to stop and think about that for a moment. It had been... a while, and he hadn't exactly kept track of the days.

"About three months, I think," he said, with some degree of certainty. "Long enough to have been around in Jhelbor, anyway. Have you heard anything about what happened there, yet?"


precursor_dax October 18 2009, 06:31:17 UTC
"That long?" Daxter blanched a little before shrugging it off. "Not really. JY started to tell me a bit when I got here but I wasn't too interested at the time..." He supposed he should probably find out soon though.


creaoi_ang_cor October 18 2009, 06:47:11 UTC
"There's others who've been here longer. I'm not sure how many. Or how long." Cris licked his lips. They were dry. He looked up toward the sky and squinted into the brightness. When would they be stopping for water again?

"Jhelbor was... peaceful for a while. Then there was fighting. Then more peace. Then more fighting." He squinted again, but this time more in confusion than as a reaction to the sun. "Is that what war's really like? The way my father told it, it was one long nightmare. This is more like..." But he couldn't think of an adequate metaphor. "I don't know. Small nightmares with bits of waking in between."


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