So don't become some background noise

Aug 16, 2009 20:59

Who: Bret and Cho
What: Music and cooking
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Cho's kitchen

Bret, lute in hand, decided to pay Cho a visit. After the rather saddening encounter with the unicorn, Bret had spent a long time in his room, trying to write another letter. Unfortunately, every attempt started with an 'I told you so' and ended with a 'but maybe it'd be better if you were right', so he hadn't actually finished one yet. Either sentiment just depressed him further. If he said the unicorn's presence was totally awesome, then he couldn't really prove it, and if he told the truth (that it had just made him sad), it just felt wrong to not see Jemaine's gloating face after the confession.

He hoped that hanging out with Cho would take his mind off of it. Putting on his best friendly look, he knocked on the door.

bret mcclegnie, cho takahashi

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