Jul 27, 2009 16:55
Who: Tamber, anyone who'd like to encounter him
What: Arrival in Jhelbor
Where: Western Gate
When: Monday afternoon, about half an hour after the fire.
Tamber lands hard when he dismounts from the horse. It's half-miscalculation - the ground is rougher than he expected it to be - and half exhaustion, from the hard ride from Birdsong. Looks like he got here just in time; a few minutes later, and the fire would have shut him out. He hadn't spent a second longer than necessary scouting for the relevant information.
He ties his horse to one of the posts, near the city gate, strapping a feed bag to her mouth. Reaches up a hand, and Ankhyrad flits down, landing secure on his forearm.
That done, he heads in towards the city center. Limping, a little, from his landing - certainly slow enough that someone could flag him down to ask him questions.
npc: tamber,
npc: quahl,
barney stinson,
cho takahashi