getting to know you [OPEN]

Mar 07, 2010 14:42

Who: Damon and the population at large
What: Meeting new people
Where: Along the western wall of Jhelbor
When: Sunday, March 7

Damon was pretty bored. Already, he had explored every buttery little nook and cranny of the city. If you could call it a city. Really, it was a lot more like an organized pile of trash. A well-organized pile of trash, but every bit as exciting as a glass of warm milk. Even the allure of tasting the different humanoid races had lost its appeal for Damon. The so-called demons were a little bit bitter. The elves, meanwhile, were too sweet. So, like Goldilocks (oh the irony) Damon had settled for human blood, for now. He had to admit though, he was a little bit curious about what the long-eared bartender tasted like, but so far, no luck in getting her alone.

Sadly, that was one of the only curiosities he had at the moment. Everything else was boring. Maybe because it reminded him so much of his mortal life. He had had the unique opportunity to watch the world change before his eyes. To see it go backwards as just devastating. Which was kind of funny, since there were always vampires getting their panties up in a twist to restore the good old days of the dark ages. Damon liked electricity. He liked fast cars. He liked airplanes and hot tubs and supermodels in hot tubs.

Now, for the seventy fourth time since arriving in Jhelbor, he was wandering aimlessly along the wall again, looking to see if he could find anything interesting at all. At this point, he would settle for pretty much anything.

touya, penny, sam lowry, damon salvatore

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