Um, what cat?

Mar 07, 2010 06:48

Who: Bret and Jemaine
What: ...That's not a kitten, I'm just happy to see you.
When: February 27th, midday
Where: Their apartment

It wasn't that Bret didn't like Gem-- Gem had just never taken to him. So Bret was a little deprived of the animal affection he'd had as a child. Actually, he'd missed it back in New York too, but at least then the reasoning for not having a pet was a little more solid (part of him always wondered what Eugene would've done to a pet while they were gone). Here, it was kind of wound up in Jemaine not approving.

And that was why Bret had tucked his new kitten into his jumper in an attempt to get him into his room before Jemaine saw. He wasn't going to keep it secret forever, but he figured he should get used to his new pet before Jemaine saw it so he wouldn't prove him right about his failure to make animals like him.

Tails liked him, at least. Enough to give him a cat. But maybe Tails didn't count.

In any case, the cat wasn't scratching him up as he stuffed it into his jumper, crossing his arms awkwardly to hold it up. He shouldered into the apartment, doing his best to not draw Jemaine's attention.

bret mcclegnie, jemaine clemaine

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