2009 is already a bitch

Jan 05, 2009 17:36

Behind the cut, my rant begins...

Many of you probably remember the very few times I was able to post anything this past year. I landed a fabulous job, working in an industry I enjoyed, surrounded by people who kept me amused and seldom frustrated, at a pay that was more than double my previous position.

Well, that all ended today. My boss had to cut all administration positions (of which I held the highest), and half the rest of the staff. He did allow us one additional paycheck as severence pay, but as we're all considered sub-contractors, we can't file for unemployeement. So yeah, 2009 is sucking already.

The plus side is that I've got a dozen leads for promising jobs in or near my salary, and that since you generally have to wait at least a week after applying, I'll have plenty of time to catch up on reading and maybe writing now that the holiday craziness is over. And how many interviews can you possibly set up for one day anyway? So that's a few more hours free.

Am I trying to make myself feel better? Hell yes. It's almost working. Now as long as I can forget that I'm responsible for keeping my teenagers fed AND my mom (who was laid off last month) housed, it'll all be rainbows and kittens.

So for any of you out there who have suffered through this bitchfest, here's a question: Is there oil &/or gas drilling going on in your area/state? If so, please respond with the area/state. I've got a chance to stay with this company if I can find some good locations for a new office or three. Hey, I'd be my own boss then, right?

Anyways, thanks for listening. I'm going to drag out the last two coolers and dull the pain now.
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