Last week I would wake up and start stretching my knee a few times so I was able to stand on it. If I didn’t stretch it first, it would collapse on me. That, or the pain markers in certain spots would scream at me like they did on a day to day basis anyways, no matter what I tried.
I think Dave was starting to get concerned about the amount of pain meds I was going through, but trying everything else was bringing up empty results. The pain meds didn’t make it stop, really, but helped a little.
The alcohol on top of the meds helped more.
I wasn’t going crazy with overdosing or anything, but I was concerned about heading in that general direction, to be sure. When something helps ease daily pain, a person tends to go back to that help. If nothing else helps despite many efforts, well... you go back to what you know works, right?
And so started what could have been a nasty circle that I did not wish to continue. All the while I was thinking it was just until the surgery, then everything would be better.
But then the thoughts starting rolling in... what if it wasn’t any better? What if it was actually worse? What if I couldn’t get long-term pain meds like last time? What if no one believed me?
They weren’t easy thoughts to deal with, to be sure.
So the most specific, grinding pain was located behind the knee on the left side. I couldn’t straighten my knee, and if it was in a straight-ish position for too long it would stiffen, rendering the pain nearly uncontrollable in order for me to bend it again. This has been an indiscriminating pain that hasn’t offered reprieve since the day I broke it.
Another pain has been located behind the knee cap. Not completely insufferable, but every now and again it flares and is noticeably discomforting.
Whenever the weather changed (which, in the last month or so, has been nearly daily) I felt as if the metal along the shin bone was trying to leap out and do a sugar plum fairy dance across my muscles and tendons. Sugar and spice is everything nice, except when rubbed into open wounds....
The last few days have been scary. Not because of excess pain but, rather, the lack thereof.
When the doctor discharged me with full weight bearing I was totally excited, but after getting home realized that, ow.... walking hurts. Who knew having your muscles ripped apart would create so much havoc? So with the help of the cane I booted around the main floor of the house again. I was surprised that, for as much as it hurt, it didn’t hurt more. After a few minutes, walking was becoming easier.
Four days post op.
I no longer need the cane.
I can go up and down stairs (carefully, mind you).
I can straighten out my leg AND left food to the same extent as the right, which has not happened since I broke my knee. Not to mention that it hurts much, much less.
My knee has not collapsed on me since I got home.
My range of motion is increasing very well every day.
Straight leg raises still hurt very much, and in the same place, but only by about half of what it felt previously.
I can sleep through the night without pain meds.
I can go most of the day without pain meds, depending on my activities.
The kneecap area, however, is still questionable. Considering the rest, though... I feel that this situation has turned around for the better.
Dave and I were talking while falling asleep (well, he was, I wasn’t) and he stated that I already seemed happier. I told him that I’d like to make some tentative plans for a hiking trip - nothing too much, just some easy, paved trails. He’s just excited to go for a walk with me that lasts longer than one block, nevermind hiking, so when I mentioned this he seemed almost as giddy as I’ve been feeling the last couple of days.
After the last few years, I’m happy to take a break for a walk around the block, and then some. Nevermind happy - I’m excited. I feel like I’ve missed too much because of this ordeal between Folk Fest, biking, hiking, walking the dogs, dancing, Keltie’s wedding and anything else that’s come along. My focus has been on one thing, and it will be nice to change that focus to better things again.
Watch out, life, here I come!
Although, I’m not sure how quick and furious I’ll get back into it. I have a feeling I’ll be a little more cautious than I used to be..... figured I’d at least let myself heal before jumping into the alligator pit.
Besides, I’ve been sleeping nearly 15 hours every day. That says something about my physical health. I’ll get myself well first, and then see when I want to do next. The possibilities seem almost endless all of a sudden, and things are look much brighter.