Sep 24, 2006 16:56
Lgph7: eric, were living in a den of thieves
Lgph7: and its contagious
east hasting: this is true.
east hasting: i've learned that the best way to live is to emulate the thieves
east hasting: with the exception of morality
Lgph7: is that possible?
east hasting: and you wonder why i have a cloak.
Lgph7: lol
east hasting: yes, i'd say it's entirely possible.
east hasting: it's in places like camp or in our homes where our true personalities shine
east hasting: in the world, we are those whom we fear the most
Lgph7: listen, buddah...
east hasting: that's thief buddah to you
Lgph7: im here counting my friends and youre talking about ridding the world of dual personalities
east hasting: lol