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Jan 22, 2011 23:04

Some day soon I will have actual, interesting stories and experiences to share instead of brief updates on my bedraggled life. I am catching up on that, and there will be a day in the near future when you will get to read exploits instead of explanations. Until then, here's a list:

-Daniel and I have ended our break and begun our break-up. Mostly it is a relief to not wonder any more, and I really do see the sense of it. Frankly, he's a student, I'm not, and I don't want to be. I think that's probably the base of everything else. Regardless, he is coming over tonight to help me design my:

-New tattoo! It will be the second half of my bird by bird tattoo, a magpie on the outside of my left wrist. I'll post the design when it's done.

-Job is steady. I guess my up-toppest supervisor thinks I can do no wrong, am a very skilled writer, and that the little dinky stuff I have done is very impressive. Guys. I am not a super speed demon. I am barely doing anything. Still, it's nice to know what little I'm doing is appreciated and is, well, good enough.

-Also Job related, there is a new job opening up in CAI, for someone who will be my THIRD supervisor. I have hopes for who this person will be, but don't want to jinx anything. Whoever it is will probably be awesome, and I'm excited to have someone who will be directing me more closely than my other two sup's.

-Shira and Elizabeth are basically the two most excellent influences in my life. Yay!

-Another excellent influence is Sarah Chapman, who just moved in with me and Robbie and is effectively keeping us clean. Not by cleaning, but by demanding cleanliness just by being around. IT'S AWESOME YOU GUYS. My room is practically spotless. That never happens. Even when I last did my week-long spree it wasn't this clean. Srsly.

-Went to sleep and woke up really, thoroughly happy a few nights ago. I've been on a strong upward rise for the last month, but I don't think I've felt that completely content for that long in a year or more. Pretty swell, fellows. Pretty swell.
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