In Which Maggie Shows Off Daniel, and Has Drawn Even More Insects

Feb 21, 2009 12:15

Lets see if my skills with livejournal can do this right. I'm writing this friday night because I'm not sure I'll remember to do it tomorrow, and I'm posting the date it's written as tomorrow. Ideally, that means it'll show up on my friend's page tomorrow at that time, right? ...Or am I wrong? It's very hard to tell. We'll see!

In any case, here is a drawing I did of Daniel in the Java Joint:

I think Daniel looks right here, but Robbie says he looks too pretty. I think Daniel looks pretty all the time.

And here are some more insects I drew when you weren't lookingI have a new favorite!

It isn't this one. The Queen is too busy.

This is it! I think the house fly is the best of them all.

I think the water bug is too spindly. In real life and in this drawing.

I was very afraid to try the lady bug, because I worried that it might come out too cute/iconic. I think it is certainly cute, but it isn't necessarily bad.

I've also mostly run out of insects. Can you think of other common bugs for me to draw? I might try my hand at a spider someday, but for now I'm avoiding it, too. I'll have a lot of trouble with symmetry! Also, I'm pretty sure they aren't insects. I don't mind if I break the theme, but, you know. Lex, Ilana, Tanya: I am particularly interested to hear what you think of these, as you are the three I think appreciate the aesthetic of twisty insects most.

portraits, insects, art

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