Weekly Friend Add/Remove + Activity Check Remove
Please copy the following into
the Admin Console.
friend add a_walking_pun
friend add kougameleon
friend add loveshisblood
friend add majorlydazzled
friend add originofgood
friend add scientificflair
friend add sliceoflaughter
friend add subtlecoruscate
friend add used_realtears
friend remove angelicdelights
friend remove archerygoddess
friend remove art_of_fabulous
friend remove bishop_frau
friend remove crossinggenders
friend remove holdsleftovers
friend remove horseloving
friend remove loveofcamelot
friend remove nankurunaizer
friend remove nichirinnoshita
friend remove nodoubleteam
friend remove rainbowconnects
friend remove rezoned
friend remove savedinapinch
friend remove soliloquizingly
friend remove someone_one_one
friend remove strawcrane
friend remove usedbrine
friend remove usedlostlogia
friend remove usedraindance
friend remove usedrapidspin
friend remove yukimama
friend remove brawnystar
friend remove broilers
friend remove can_do_idol
friend remove disappearingly
friend remove dragontypes
friend remove energybeams
friend remove hackedhome
friend remove hayasugiru
friend remove heiress_of_knox
friend remove notrueking
friend remove omnomarm
friend remove onlyifitscute
friend remove pokemondolly
friend remove reasserts
friend remove redbelltolls
friend remove remothering
friend remove serrantsalot
friend remove sllepssdrawkcab
friend remove swishyhairflick
friend remove tensaizenzai
friend remove thefourthtry
friend add cynicizing
friend add newhero
December's Activity Check has officially concluded! Characters who did not respond were placed on this list. If you were removed by accident, or if you would like to reclaim your character, please contact one of the moderators or respond to this post by January 12th, 10:00 PM EST.