Oct 11, 2011 16:15

Hey, Route!

Yes, more new stuff. Everything chaaanges, chaaaanges, it's evolutionary~


!mod, !discussion, !information

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usedtelekinesis October 11 2011, 07:41:11 UTC
Possibly unpopular opinion time!

Honestly, I don't like being forced to put an app in comments because some apps can be really long and I think it's neater to have one comment with a link rather than a pile of comments if there's a lot to explain or a person/character gets wordy. It also lets people go back and fix typos or coding errors without having to delete and repost the entire application. I know that other games require it and I can understand the reasoning for it, but I personally don't enjoy it and it'd make me a little less likely to app for anyone else if I had to guess how much text filled a comment box bit by bit.

And as for the password system, while it makes sense for new players, having to search for something arbitrary every single time I write an app is a little frustrating. Unless there's been a rules change, I don't see the point in constantly requiring it when people who know about it probably just ctrl+F for relevant phrases to see what it is this time.


these_balls October 11 2011, 10:18:51 UTC
Unpopular opinions are allowed!

I understand your reticence! I also think a link looks neater. But having it all organized in the apps post saves us the trouble of, for instance, custom comment pages or having to open several tabs at once, and helps us keep things in order. It also allows us to keep apps for reference--like I mentioned above, there were problems recently where someone believed we'd accepted a samples-less app, when the player had simply removed them after being accepted. Does that help clear up our reasoning? I know it may not change your personal opinion on the matter, but I just wanted to make sure you knew we weren't doing this out of the blue.

Noted on the passwords! What about FAQ- or rules- related quizzing, as other have suggested: would that be a good compromise?


usedtelekinesis October 11 2011, 16:46:29 UTC
I understand your reasoning, I just don't like it personally. The incident with someone thinking there weren't sample was easily cleared up with a brief explanation on anoncomm, so I can't see why it was worth taking into consideration when it was one isolated incident. I've modded in the past and I think that multiplying tabs is just part of processing apps, but even that isn't too bad if it's kept in its own instance of whatever browser the person is using. Custom comment pages can be disabled easily enough too.

Mayfield asks for commented apps rather than linked, but I don't like it there either. Again, it's just a naggy personal preference that'll make me less likely to do anything with apps in the future.

And on the other issue, quizzing still doesn't make sense for anyone other than new players unless there's been a change recently. We all had to read them once, there's no point in making us read through everything multiple times, especially for the people who app and drop frequently.


usedrage October 11 2011, 19:00:07 UTC
I'm not a mod, nor do I have any position of power or decision making in Route, but an "isolated incident" on anoncomm for Route is never just an isolated incident. If it happens once, and the mods make a mistake in the future, it will come back on them for not fixing the problem when it came up in the past. This isn't a new occurrence, not for anoncomm and not for the game.

This is from player perspective, mind you, and someone who constantly links her own apps. The mods are trying to change their reputation and enacting policies on things which have caused misunderstandings--and made not only the mods look bad, but other players. No one likes to have their page linked to anoncomm negatively, no matter what the subject of the negativity is.

There's pros and cons to each method, and while linking is easier for the players in the game, and seems less messy, it is less likely to cause misunderstandings if it's all laid out.


usedtelekinesis October 11 2011, 19:36:17 UTC
Maybe it's because I stopped giving much of a rat's ass to anoncomm a while ago (I only follow threads for games I'm in to see what's being nitpicked over and to get a sense of when things are bad enough to jump ship) or maybe it's because I haven't been in Route that long compared to some people, but small things happen and I think it's better for everyone to ignore them.

I link my own too, but I'm really not sure that this is the way for the mods to get a better reputation.


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