Sparring solves everything

Mar 06, 2011 00:20

Who: Lightning (soggypastry) and Leon (usedroar)
Where: Violet City.
When: Late Saturday Night. (March 5th)
Summary: The disappearance of a family member would set anyone on edge. But when it's a sister...things get bad.
Rating: PG

It had been almost a surprise to receive the text from Leon. Aerith was gone, and he needed a spar when she got to Violet. That wasn't a surprise, and Lightning had sent her own reply saying that she'd meet him outside the Pokémon Center when she and Hope got to Violet. Since that had been twenty minutes ago, she'd taken the time to change and put her hair up before going outside to wait for her sparring partner.

If anyone commented on the woman stretching outside the center at night, she didn't hear them. There were more important things on her mind.

lightning farron | final fantasy xiii, squall 'leon' leonhart | kingdom hearts

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