used_defog and
quickattackjack Where: Union Cave
When: Backdated to March 1st 'til about the 6th. DEY LOST.
Summary: Broken Poke'Gears and caves SUCK.
Rating: G/PG for Jack being morbid occasionally?
Traveling again wasn't as bad as Jack thought it would be. Violet had spoiled him but after the first day on the road, he was surprised to find how easy it was to fall back into step. The fresh air did him good. The lack of FIVE MILLION FEET OF SNOW and depressing ghost towers did him even better. Days passed and their journey lead them to the mouth of Union Cave. It had been a long time since Jack had seen a cave.
With Edgar on his shoulder, the Pumpkin King adjusted the strap of his travel bag and stepped into the shadows. The air was cool and wet. And dark. Mostly dark. The slick stony floor was very different from the dirt and grass they'd been trampling over.
"What do you think, Rainbow Dash?" Jack admired a rock jutting from a nearby wall like a nerdy McNerdison. "Two days, tops?"