(no subject)

Oct 20, 2010 23:17

Who: Envy and Tulio
Where: Route 31
When: October 20th, early evening
Summary: Envy is an idiot who eats strange berries he finds in the woods. Have fun taking care of him Tulio :D
Rating: PG-13

Envy was sulking, wandering through the trees a little ways away from where the stupid human was working on getting the fire started. He'd said he'd go to get some extra wood, but maybe he'd take a little longer than necessary, just because. He was hungry damn it, who cared about "not eating everything", he'd only wanted a little. It wasn't like Tulio had been doing anything besides walking, Envy'd had to keep training himself too so he'd be able to get at least somewhat stronger. He kicked at a small rock in his way, looking very much like a ridiculous angry sixteen year old. Eventually he started gathering up some branches from the ground, wishing he could just kick the trees down like he would've been able to before.

But wait!

There was a very tempting sight: a bush with some interesting looking yellow and green fruits growing in bunches all over it. He grinned; they looked pretty big and juicy, it'd be fine if he ate one of those, surely. What could it hurt? He picked one and took a big bite out of it, grimacing at how damn dry it was, not juicy at all. He swallowed anyway, he was hungry enough, and wound up eating the rest of it too. Deciding that he wasn't going to bring any back to that stingy bastard, he started heading back with his wood. A few minutes later he started feeling…very off. Shivering and feeling flushed, it wasn't long before he was more staggering than walking. Shit, he couldn't afford this now, how was he gonna get to the city like this? He wouldn't put it past Tulio at all to leave him behind at the first opportunity, or take some kind of revenge for Envy's tricks. He'd just have to put up with it until it went away and hope it wasn't noticed. The wood was hanging out of his arms, some of it falling onto the ground when he finally got back to the little clearing they'd picked. He just swayed in place, trying not to fall over. "Hey…I got the stupid wood…" he tried to make his mouth form a smirk, but it came out more like a lopsided grimace than anything.

tulio | road to el dorado, envy | fullmetal alchemist

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