useddrugs and anyone!
Where: Cherrygrove City
When: Tuesday; at hours that should never exist (5 AM)
Summary: On a sleepless night, Anemone's trying to bait a Corsola.
Rating: G? PG?
Fresh air could help a headache, couldn't it? After spending a good four hours trying to sleep off a pounding nightmare in her temples, Anemone managed to wait it out to a subdued throbbing she could easily ignore. However, she couldn't sleep, not yet... but what else could one do in the middle of the night? Dominic was most likely asleep, and she didn't want to wake him for entertainment--after all, she could entertain herself!
That was what landed her on the Cherrygrove shore, kneeling in the sand not too far from the water's edge. It was pretty cool, and she half wished she had grabbed Dominic's jacket before heading out. Her nightgown wasn't made of the thickest material, and the little pockets on the side could barely contain the two pokéballs jostling inside. With a soft pout, she pushed them back in and stretched out bare legs before her. The middle of the night was so boring. Why was she even awake?
At one point, she had played tug-of-war with a little crab pokémon and a stick. She watched magikarp splash about in the water (or float--part of the mystery was wondering what they were doing). Simple, rather pointless things to keep the time ticking without frustration. But once the little crab things crawled off and when she grew bored of the fish, she found herself wondering what to do next since those coralian-pokémon weren't showing up.
Well... waiting often took a long time. Hopefully people would wake up soon; she could at least bother a person or two.