♘ And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count.

Oct 10, 2011 03:14

Who: profpuzzle & getmesomewhisky
Where: Goldenrod City
When: October 10th ; late afternoon
Summary: oh boy, Xanxus' birthday is today and Layton treats everyone to dinner when it comes to celebrations, so that's what he's going to do. Well... if he can get Xanxus out of bed first.
Rating: PG-13 at most
[ Birthdays are always special occasions, so Layton always tries to make the best out of them for the other person, despite not doing much for his own. He's fine with just having good wishes for another year, but that is clearly not enough for others. After all, Xanxus does seem to be the kind of man that'll like more than that, like a nice dinner. After all, the man has seemed to enjoy their last one. What's a better gift than another free dinner? Well, throw in a top hat and everything is beautiful. ]

[ Now, Layton has been planning to give Xanxus a call earlier today to ask for this, but Lussuria has posted that entry up on the network first and Layton got invited over, so might as well ask now. He normally doesn't prefer to handle things on such a short notice but what can be helped? Especially after that whole bear chasing incident that he has had with Luke and Lando, things has kinda slipped his mind. ]

[ So, he stands outside of Xanxus' room and knocks on the door three times. He shifts the present in his other hand and waits patiently for an answer. C'mon, Xanxus couldn't be sleeping at this time of the day... right? ]

xanxus | katekyo hitman reborn, hershel layton | professor layton

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