And now we all get to see why Midori ruined everyone's travel plans...

Jun 28, 2011 22:34

Who:  pokemondolly & knight_hart 
Where: New Bark
When: The afternoon of the 28th
Summary: Midori finally comes to New Bark to pick up her new failure friend. Hugs and awkwardness ensue.
Rating: Um. This depends on Takumi's sanity. I'll call PG-13 for now and update it if anything bad goes down?
Midori is looking a little less put together than usual when she walks into New Bark. She's wearing her spare outfit rather than her cosplay, and is rather sweaty- she jogged the last stretch here, and she's been pushing herself the whole way. Still, she's smiling, and her Snorunt is blowing cool air at her as they walk.

She pulls out her pokegear to send a text to the reason she's here- one very weak individual by the name of Takumi.

i'm here! ヾ(^∇^) meet me at the entrance to town!

Midori shoves the pokegear back into her bag and sits down to wait. She grabs Jack off of her shoulder and sets him on the ground next to her.

[adtdwe my starts are always so shooort. I apologize. D:]
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