Everyone, now. As loud as you can and way off key......

Jun 28, 2011 11:41

Who: Heather Mason, Crow Hogan, and Aoko Nakamori. OH, AND KAITO KUROBA.
When: Today, in the afternoon.
Where: Olivine City
Summary: Kaito's birthday was last week. Bugs got in the way. Now everyone's awake. IT'S PARTY TIME. But it's a surprise birthday party.
Rating: Once again. PG AT THE MOST. And Heather, I don't care if you protest this.
Log: Today was a very important day. Even if it was a week late. But those bugs really ruined everything. But what's done is done, and at least now Aoko, Crow, and Heather can get down to business. They were going to set up for Kaito's surprise birthday party.  It was a bit difficult waiting for a good time when Kaito left the room so she and the others could set up for the party. Since the past couple of weeks had been pretty busy, the party seemed like a good way for everyone to just relax. It made her happy that after everything that happened, there were chances for everyone to just have a good time. And, of course, Kaito really deserved a good birthday party!

Aoko, Crow, and Heather were just putting the finishing touches on decorating their room. As Aoko tied one last streamer into place, she looked around the room, and was pretty pleased with what she saw. It was very nicely decorated, and the presents and cake were good, too. She really hoped Kaito would be happy with it, too. She smiled and giggled as she imagined his face when he saw all of this. And it looks like it's time to call him back to the room.

"Okay, guys! I'm going to let Kaito know that he can come back now." She got her Pokegear, and sent him a text asking him to come back to the room. Hopefully he wouldn't ask any questions, and make her almost spoil the surprise. Aoko could barely contain her excitement for all of this. After she sent the text, she turned back to Crow and Heather.

"Guys, we should hide so we can surprise him when he comes back!" Aoko. The poster girl for an excited teenager.

heather mason | silent hill, aoko nakamori | detective conan, crow hogan | yu-gi-oh! 5d's, kaito kuroba | detective conan

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