Who: Aoko Nakamori, Crow Hogan, and Heather Mason
Where: Olivine City
When: Today
Summary: Kaito's birthday is coming up, and these guys have to shop for presents, decorations, etc.
Aoko was pretty happy today. It was great weather, and she was going to hang out with Heather and Crow. She grabbed her purse, and walked downstairs to meet the others. A bright smile went across her face as she met them outside. Today they were going to start shopping for Kaito's birthday. And she really wanted him to have a good birthday. She doubled-checked her wallet to make sure a good amount of money was in there. Yep, a good amount. Good thing she got a job a couple weeks ago. If it was Kaito's birthday, then she definitely had to help pay for it. Nothing's too good for him, after all.
When she was all set to go, she looked at her friends and smiled.
"Well! Wanna get going, then?"