(no subject)

May 20, 2011 19:32

Who: usedtherapy and usedwindything
Where: Goldenrod City
When: Back...timed? To noon on the 20th of May.
Summary: Rose believes it's time to explore the new city, and John is being dragged into it.
Rating: Is there a rating for "You might die of cute"? PG-13 for the slim possibility of language, I guess?
[[Admittedly she had been too tired to bother paying much more attention to her group than "go find hotel rooms". She knew they were capable - for the most part, anyway. Really it was only the clown that would have a problem, and after the paras-mushroom incident within the forest she felt leaving him to Karkat's supervision was well within what she deserved - and therefor focused on her own rest and relaxation. She hadn't given the city a look, she hadn't cared about the bustling people, all she wanted was a bed and something to alleviate her throbbing head.

The next morning, however, she felt a little guilt behind abandoning them so quickly. Especially recalling how upset John had looked over the situation. That was why, when noon rolled around, she decided to pay him a visit. She wanted to explore the city and she knew he would likely enjoy it as well. They could visit the department store, perhaps find a place to have lunch...that would probably be a good place to stop. She wanted to apologize, but it was beginning to sound like a date. And if it became too similar to one, she knew she probably wouldn't go through with it...

She was already having a hard enough time just knocking on his hotel door as it was. Pacing in the hall outside it (she had to do a little detective work to figure out which room he was staying in, which actually involved doing an errand for the clerk...which...involved doing an errand for the cook, who needed the assistance of a maid found somewhere else within the building and basically she figured it out, okay?) she sighs at herself, muttering about how it's not that big of a deal and it isn't as if she's asking him out or anything. They're just...spending the afternoon together. Just the two of them. Going out to lunch, and maybe dessert, and doing a little shopping...

With a deep breath, she finally gives the door a few firm raps from her knuckles.]]


john egbert | homestuck, rose lalonde | homestuck

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