log. +goldenrod, Fuji, Rise and Yukimura

May 20, 2011 22:28

Who: reimprovise, restardom and loseyoursenses
Where: Goldenrod, right outside the department store. Then, possibly moving onto a tennis court.
When: 6pm, backdated to the 19th.
Summary: Rise gets taught how to wave a tennis racket with great justice by Yukimura, who has a tendency to nurture flowers by shouting at them is more than happy to imbue her with tennis proficiency. Fuji sits back and enjoys.
Rating: PG

[Having informed Yukimura in his usually vague manner about the small get together, Fuji now finds himself walking forth to the department store, notably ten minutes late and not looking particularly put-off by it. He has his tennis bag with him, slung over one shoulder, and is notably only limping slightly on his injured ankle. A digital camera dangles from his neck, secured by a strap. By his side, a Froslass is floating gracefully, a few bottles of water in her cold grasp. The marvels of portable refrigeration.

Upon reaching the meeting point, he raises an hand in greeting, light.]

Ah, sorry. Got lost a little on the road of life -- you know how it is. I hope I didn't keep the two of you waiting terribly.

[ooc: Yukimura of Prince of Tennis fame needs a tag! o/ Also, tagging order - Rise --> Yukimura --> Fuji?]

fuji shuusuke | prince of tennis, rise kujikawa | persona 4

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