I was offered
the MIT job today - on the Employer Relations team - and I accepted.
This feels so good for so many reasons. One, obviously, it's a job - which takes a lot of the pressure off the next few weeks. It was posted as a 20 hr/week position but they may be able to give me 30 hrs/week which would be awesome. I'll still have to find some other kind of gig but I'll figure it out. I think some of the Targets in the area are doing a remodel - how funny would THAT be?
It's about more than the money, though. It's about pride. It's about finding a happy medium between what I loved about academia - working with students in an environment that values learning and curiosity - without the stuff I didn't love so much - classroom management, grading, isolation. Being able to still work with students while also doing the kind of admin work I'm good at and having access to a ton of professional development at one of the best schools in the country - that is really my dream job for this point in my life. I hope hope hope we can stay in the area and that maybe I can stay at MIT after this yearlong position is over - a lot of people I met at the interview started as Career Assistants. If not, though, having MIT on my resume - and I intend to do everything in my power to rock this job's face off - will mean getting that next job is going to be a LOT easier.
Also, you know what? Living well is the best motherfucking revenge. All those people at UB who thought that me being depressed meant that I was worthless can KISS MY ASS because I WON.