Title: Shigehontas (That's a fusion of Shige and Pocahontas, in case you couldn't tell)
Pairing: Jin Smith/Shigehontas
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Crack, excess profanity, hints at sexual encounters
Disclaimer: Don't own them, or Pocahontas
Summary: Shigehontas falls in love with the stranger from another world, Jin Smith, but their love faces obstacles.
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I loved certain parts of it, like Shige's realization with the arrow, Pipium = love! So sad he died ;~;
Again, i realize you wrote this really inprompt to so i can't pick on it too much (plus you asked for concrit so i'm trying to give it to you). It would have been more entertaining in all honesty if i understood what the hell was going on... i dunno... maybe i'm tired... i have a headache and the classroom is really warm >______< (we're talking about crack dealers too! >_____<)
Oh and you liar! You were on the hate meme !!!! >_________<
I appreciate the concrit! If you were confused than that's kind of a really important thing to mention, since it all makes sense in my head so I won't notice it. (go sleep the headache off! And feel better).
That wasn't until after we had talked though; Luna sent me a link and I got sucked into it.
oh well...no problemo then ^___^ Glad i was helpful!
I have another hour before i can go home, finish homework and then sleep! It's always on Tuesday and stupid fucking sociology that makes said headache worse. -throws something at the prof (not literally)-
AHHHH! fair enough! =) It got addicting until they stopped hating and started just going on about random shit.
Oh, that sucks. I never did like sociology.
It was. Unfortunately I missed most of the hate. T_T
ughhh! 2 and a half hours of pure torture then another 70 mins before i get home ;~;
YES! You did! SHAME! but it's okay... you can always start new hate =)
That sucks! Hopefully it's not too bad.
I don't have any hate that won't get me attacked by rabid fangirls though, and I
d rather avoid that if I can.
(i broke your layout on the other page)
Did you? I'm going to have to go check that out now.
(did i break it?)
Yeah, as much as I hate them, I still can't help but love them a bit. The only guys I absolutely hate are Tegoshi and Nino. (You should, Shige needs more love, and Pi gets too much).
(Well Ryo at least deserves the love....mostly....Awww, poor girl).
He is a good actor from what I've seen, I'll give him that. I still don't like him though; it's his face, and his voice, I just get the whiny bitch impression from him.
(Ryo deserves lots of love too ^____^ That cute lil devil ^___^ though we should not feed his ego! and he should go to AA for his alcohol problem! I know ;~; i felt so bad! but i was seriously angry that he ignored her! Least Shige and Ryo would good people ^___^)
I loved him in Ryusei no Kizuna but hated him in Stand Up! (oh god! i hated him so much in that!)
(AA? I think he's not the only one who needs to take a field trip.)
OH GOD!!!! Stand up!!! I have such horrible memories of that! NEVER watch the entire fucking thing in one day!!! NEVER! Though I couldn't really notice Nino past fucking Noda(what the hell is that boys actual name?????) and his creepy fucking face. Well, except that one singing episode, never had I been so happy that someone gave the mic to Nino, never!
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