Hi everyone!
Well, I'm graduating in a few days and a lot is going on!
First of all, the biggest news is that I've secured a Dramaturgy internship at Glimmerglass Opera in Cooperstown, NY. It starts the middle of June and runs through the middle of August. I'll be doing a lot of professional blogging, interviews, and in-depth research on the operas. The coolest part of my job will probably be that I get to attend most of the rehearsals staffed with some top industry professionals to report on goings-on. It's paid and I get free room and board. For those music nerds out there, the season this summer is all Orpheus from all different time periods- Monteverdi, Gluck, Haydn, Offenbach, and Philip Glass. Here's the website for those of you truly intrigued:
http://glimmerglass.org/index.html. I'm ridiculously and nerdily excited.
I'm still trying to figure out the next step from there. I've had a pretty hard school year this year (not grade-wise; everything's fine), but things have gotten considerably brighter these past few months. I think my best strategy is to save up money this year and apply for grad schools next year. I'm considering shifting my focus from performance, but I haven't decided yet. I'm considering musicology, music education, arts administration, or law school to do arts advocacy. We'll see. I'm going to take the GRE and see what pops up. I've had to turn down a few offers to apply for jobs or interview because of the the internship, but I think I can figure out the next step while I'm out there.
Currently, it's finals week and I'm dividing my time between studying for finals, finishing up a research project I'm conducting in association with the University of Zurich, and attending the final rehearsals for Disney's The Jungle Book, which I've music-directed through TRYPS (Theatre Reaching Young People and Schools) this semester. The show is really fun and shaping up rather well. TRYPS has been such an awesome place to work; I will well and truly miss it next year. For those of you in town and interested, Jungle Book runs Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m.
On Saturday, I will graduate cum laude with general and departmental honors from the University of Missouri-Columbia with degrees in Communication and Vocal Music Performance. And it only took five years! My grandparents are coming down to spoil me ridiculously, I'm sure.
Annnnd... for those of you interested in my love life (i.e. Grandpa and Aunt Nancy), I'm pleased to report that all is going extremely well. That is all.
If you are graduating too and your email address is changing, please let me know!