So RG, MW and LM are going to get the axe today. It totally sucks. I understand that DC has to do what she has to do to keep the company afloat...I really do... but... I felt like a total turncoat (tool?) when I was out smoking with MW yesterday (3x's) and I never told him about it. I rationalize it by telling myself..."what would it accomplish?". Ok, then I answer myself with, "uh, nothing positive...or maybe nothing at all" and so I say nothing (there's that word again) even though I had to produce their final paychecks unbeknownst to any of them. SHIT!!!! Sometimes I really hate my job. At least they each got 2 weeks severance. Cold comfort if you ask me. :(
But that's not all....(hey, remind you of a "Ronco" commercial from the way back machine?)
Yeah, after my conversation with JA yesterday afternoon I have been apprised (top secret shit) that there may be pay cuts as high as 20% in the offing today as well. That is so totally fucked. They will lose me if that happens...assuming I can find another job in this screwed up economy. My thought pattern here is ...."
Ooooohhhhhmmmmmm, Ohhhhhhhmmmmm... I will find another one if the worst happens. I am a totally cute and talented accounting-type person who has HR experience as well with a company in financial distress". Keep repeating until desired results occurr.