(no subject)

Jan 21, 2005 22:05


Before you start doing anything. Let us know...what time did you start? 9:48 p.m.

Name: Rachel
Age: 17
Gender: Ich habe vagina.
Sexuality: Bisexual
D/O/B: 06.10.87
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Scene?: None. <- loser.
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Dream Career: Doctor or CEO of a transcontinenal business in Russia.
Religious Beliefs: Christianity. Kind of.
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you want to be? Vladimir, Russia.
Any guilty pleasures?: Air guitar to . . . . Kelly Clarkson.

Bands: Frou Frou, Rasputina, Azure Ray, Indigo Girls, Elliott Smith, Neutral Milk Hotel, The Cranberries, The Cardigans, Sister Hazel, DMB, Portishead, Le Tigre, The Goo Goo Dolls.
Genre(s) (and subgenres, if you want) of music: Alternative, femrock, electronica.
Song: "Champagne High" Sister Hazel
Lyric: "There is beauty in the breakdown." Let Go - Frou Frou.
Actress: Jennifer Garner
Actor: Tom Cruise
Singer: Josh Groban
Reality TV Show: Strange Love
LJ Community: Prettyloser__x
Country: Russia / Canada
State: Washington
City: Washington D.C.
Colour: Purple
Book: "Fight Club" Chuck Palahniuk
Writer: ^ same
Holiday: Thanksgiving

George Bush: Asshole. From the hellhole that is Texas ( sorry Candy, but . . ugh. Plus, WE all know Canada is better. ) believes everyone should be a biblethumping whore. Thinks he should regulate EVERYTHING.
John Kerry: Bigger Asshole. No strong opinions.
Liberals: I am one.
War: Iraq - waste of time, money, and lives. War in general - sometimes necessary.
Racism: fucking stupid.
Homophobia: homophobes
Gay marriages: Pro. Love is love. Love is not gender.
Scott Peterson: <-- the man is guilty.
Drugs: Choice. One I don't make, but I don' really judge everyone else.
Legalization of marijuana: Go for it. If Amsterdamn can do it, so can we, damn it.
Abortion: Should remain legal.
Nu-metal: Nu-metal sucks.
Reality TV: It's funny - - - to an extent.
Straightedge: I don't like the title all that much, but I agree with the "lifestyle".
Self-mutilation and suicide: Stupid, but some people think it's necessary.
Rating communities: Some of them are REALLY stupid. And REALLY vicious. I think they are fun.
DDR: Annoying. DDR makes me feel azn.
Pre-martial sex: Been there, done that. I think it's fine.
Religion, "God", and The Bible: I believe. Doesn't mean everyone else has to.
Psychology and psychiatry: Intersting. Psych is one of my tres favorita classes.
Eminem: Eminem is a moron. I just don't like him.
Variety of music taste: Fun. Everyone should have one.
Canada: My mom is from there. Canada > US.
Censorship and the FCC: Opps, wardrobe malfunction.
Queen Latifah: Big and beautiful, I think it's kickass.
Michael Moore: I'm not a fan. But her makes valid points.
Rotting Christ (the band): Never listened to them. But I just might, now.


^ not a photoshopped up pic, suprisingly. I was using a double flash camera under white christmas lights - so it came out all crazy red//yellow. Pretty nifty. And sorry I couldn't get it smaller like the others. *antiskill*

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