Jul 24, 2006 03:40
All right... i have gone off and done it... I am so pissed at myself... i have fallen for someone that i know that i shouldn't have..... godfuckindammit!!!!! maybe ai am a masochist... i know i am a sadist.... our sex is great... pure fuckin' ... no soft light shit.... just straight out fuckin that would make a pornstar blush.... i love it... no more pussyfooting around and trying to be someone that i am not... i can let loose and be me.... it's not the sex though that has made me fall for her though... it's hard to explain... i can be me... the asshole that i am, the sadist that i am, the real me that dares the world to look me in the eyes and challenge me.... finally, i am the DeVill that i am... no more worrying about whether i am hurting someone, no more fretting over if i have offended.... The beast is back... and i love it.... I love to say fuck*, love at forst fright.... fuck, fuck, fuck and fuck.... so what if i am a whore, she doesn't care and yet she does..... she lets me be me, the real me.... the one that is the blasphemous demon that i am.... what else can i say? i am happy this way....; i am also california bound... hmmm.... a new song that has been bouncing around in my head.... i have the title and part of the chorus "Hollywood or Hell.... Hollywood or Hell!!! fuckin' the place i wanna be, hollywood or hell..... fuck you, fuck me!!!!" the world can kiss my ass, i am done with trying to be nice to every one, only those that i love and care for will get the kindness from me, every one else... hm well.... nothing else matters... as long as i am loved, obeyed.... and kept interested and enthralled.... till the nest time satan calls.... or should i say.. the next time i call upon myself...lol....