Quick His Last Vow reaction post

Jan 14, 2014 00:09

This is the only episode of the season that I did not walk away from feeling hurt and disappointed, so that's something. Would I call it a good episode? Well, it had its problems to be sure, but they seemed like superficial flaws rather than structural ones. I mean, hey, there was a plot! And everything in the episode related to that plot! That's way more than can be said about the previous two episodes. And hey, they opted to make Mary more complex instead of making her dead! That wasn't so bad. Although, I'm not sure making her a second Sherlock is all that creative. But at least there's potential. And hey, there were fun references to canon again! I always think the show is strongest when it plays with the source material.

But most of all, John's scene. John's scene. He told the other characters that the serious emotional stuff isn't actually funny, and I wanted to stand up and applaud. John has always been the rational, empathetic center to all the craziness, and he's the reason I watch the show, and I just wish the writers would remember that and listen to him sometimes instead of always listening to Sherlock. If anything in this season grabbed me at all, it was John as he realized that everyone around him was not only nuts, but lying to him constantly. And yet he forgives, forgives, forgives, in a way that can't be healthy.

So. I might not drop out of Sherlock fandom after all. And if I write some season three fic, it will surely be about the changing dynamic between these three characters, it will probably try to fix a lot of the season's problems, and it will be so incredibly John-centric. And, let's be honest, it will probably also be porn.

(Because conflicted, submissive John caught between two dominant partners, trying to reconcile his healthy sexual relationships with his unhealthy day-to-day relationships is calling my name.)

review, sherlock

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