Feb 08, 2007 15:38
I’m not sure why I feel the need to tell this sad tale, but maybe it’s catharic. You never know.
Anyhow. Part two.
So after Roxana tells me that we are through romantically we all keep hanging out. Honestly the ‘Not going to happen thing,’ was probably easier to accept because we had never had sex. Slept in the same bed and necked and carried on, yes, but sex never. That probably made it easier to just move on and make the most of going out on a regular basis with a couple of cute girls.
None the less I kept getting mixed signals. Very close, very friendly, very hands on. To the point where other folks we run into assume that we are dating. I kind of assumed that was the point. By this stage the two girls had both used me as an escape hatch when other guys started to hit on them, it was just an easy way for them to defuse the situation, and so I didn’t really think too much of it other than to amuse myself and maintain a running chant of ‘No, Mike. Down boy. Be good.’
As Xmas approached the three of us went out to dinner. Sushi again. Roxana is heading back to Romania to spend the holidays with her parents and when I mention that I work with a guy from Romania and some of the things he has told me about the country are intriguing, she jokingly asks if I want to come along. We all laugh because it is ridiculous and keep eating. Simona as it turns out will be hosting her mother in Paris throughout the same period. Her mother who is old school Romanian and has never (NEVER) left the country, and who doesn’t speak French nor English. Simona confides in me that she will probably need to make use of me as a parachute when having mom at home becomes too much, and that I should expect her to call a couple of times with instructions to take her out for beer so that she can think. All is fine seeing as how all my other friends are going to be out of town during this period, so I should be free.
The holidays come along. I work. I go out and drink beer. The three of us message back and forth in the regular manner. Simona calls up, we go out to dinner and sit around. She tells me flat out that she needs to vent and proceeds to do so for the whole night. Dinner becomes beers, becomes dancing becomes lounging until the sun comes up. Pretty standard except it is just her.
It turns out the two of us can talk together easily. She is the weak half of the Roxana/Simona pairing and it shows when they are together. They have a running ‘joke’ between them that they both cling to, that Roxana is the sexy one and Simona is the smart one. No matter how many times I tell them that they are being ridiculous with that kind of statement, they stick with it. Alone Simona opens up quite a bit and honestly comes across as the more interesting of the two. She has more to say, a much more grounded philosophy on life and a more realistic collection of dreams. So we talk and then call it a morning and head home. It was good. Very good.
More talking and messaging in a three way manner.
New years Simona contacts me and tells me that while she is spending the midnight hour with mom she wants to go out afterwards. I tell her to meet me at the Great Canadian Pub where I will be and we will go from there.
January would have been such a simpler month if I had just stuck my tongue down the throat of the cute little redheaded Californian that was hitting on me at the pub…
Simona arrives, drives off the local women and we head off for the night to see what is what. Honestly it was a little quiet in this part of town given the occasion so we skip the dancing and head to a bar with nice benches and music. We talk some more and we continue to hit it off. I don’t think either of us had it planned that way but we really hit it off. Insert some kissing before the morning comes and we each head home.
Enter Roxanna back into the picture and everything explodes.
I do not know the details of the conversation the two of them had, but within days of the return Simona will no longer talk to me and Roxanna proceeds to chew me out over the phone for… Well I’m not really certain what she was mad about, but damn if it didn’t have her steaming.
I do my best to calm her down and find out what the hell the problem is, but for all the various answers I got I really didn’t understand what her objection to me and Simona being together was. But since then it has been terrible.
I have a few theories now that a month and more has passed and I have had a long chance to consider things, but I won’t get into that.
Simona still won’t even talk to me. Roxanna keeps telling me that she wants to be friends, but she always has other plans or conflicting engagements, so I don’t know what that is worth either. The great thing that I thought I had going on in November has transformed itself into a steaming pile of shit and I find myself six months into my life in Paris and right back where I started on the romantic front.
All of this to come back to what I said at the start.
I’m a simple person. Really, I am not all that complicated. But the simple things that ground me and define who I am and how I will act are rather different than most folks. That has been my observation at least. What this means is that I have a lot of difficulty understanding how other people will react to a given circumstance, much less trying to predict them.
It is frustrating as hell sometimes being surrounded by people who are, by my definition at least, completely fucking insane.