OMG Rachel!

May 25, 2008 21:10

 Start of rant:

Nooo! How could you, silly Lord! Why would you save Sam?? She's like 17, too poppy and her acting is non-existant! Rachel is a far better actress and singer. She completely deserved to be in the final, far more than Sam or Jessie.

Why wasn't Jessie in the sing-off? Come on stupid British public, the panel don't like her anymore (which is a relief because I was despairing at their constant "Oh Jessie, your so amazing, you are such a star, blah blah blah, don't worry about the accent, Nancy could be Irish...(WTF?)" OK, she has a good voice but what is up with the way she sings out of the side of her mouth? She always looks so awkward and her cockney accent is crap.) she shouldn't be in the final! And neither should Sam, I thought she should have gone weeks ago! Niamh was too young but she was better than Sam.

And how could Cameron Macintosh say Jodie doesn't have enough grit to be Nancy? WTF? Is he saying Sam has more grit? That makes no sense at all, Jodie is the grittiest by far; she's older and has more life experience so it shows in her acting and also her rich voice.

Curse you sudden but inevitable betrayal indeed!

end rant. (clearly that was just an excuse to see how an LJ cut works)

Some less angry observations:

How cute was that when Denise and John were holding hands and looking really worried waiting to hear the results? Aw! And Denise crying at Jodie's performance yesterday? (See, Jodie's the best! She has it all! Sorry...)

Yay Gwion! I'm so glad he'll be one of the Olivers, he's so adorable! The way he sings with his lil' Welsh accent! (Oliver walks to London, he's not from there like Nancy, so he could have a different accent... in my head anyway... no, that's not hypocritical, shh...)

And in other news, suprise, suprise, we came last in Eurovision again. We only got points from San Marino and Ireland. How could you, Malta? I thought we were friends? Don't they normally give us points? Poor lil' Andy. We should stop kidding ourselves that it's anything other than a political thing now. It would have been cool if Bill Bailey had gone in for it like people wanted him too. Apparently he was up for it but was in Australia at the time or something.

Here endeth my thoughts on the weekend TV. No Doctor Who :-( Now for that hideous amount of Latin I have to learn for Wednesday... oh, shoot me please.

rant, i'd do anything

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