Productive Lass vs. the LOLcats

Oct 23, 2009 15:28

So Productive Lass has once again donned her shiny tights and cape, and is zipping around Getting Stuff Done! The kitchen is almost clean once more -- special thanks to mastersantiago Lad for that, as he washed most of the dishes from Sunday's game and food extravaganza -- and the mountains of laundry are mostly washed and put away. The bins of fabric have been moved from the oubliette to the bedroom closet, getting them out of the way for the moment until nevynn finishes the laundry room closet where (hopefully) they'll find their permanent home.

Projects are coming out, and I cut out a new shift the other night. Sewing on it is slow, of course, as every time I sit down to start working on it, my chair is invaded by at least 75% of the cats. Ty and Eurydice usually try to claim the same spot on my left hip, and Jabbers won't settle for anything other than being held like a baby. So if I'm lucky, I can get one run-and-fell seam done per evening before getting totally sucked into the feline vortex of nonproductiveness.

Productive Lass has made a guest appearance at work, as well. While the case load is about the same, we were able to pry some work out of Skippy the Attorney, who likes to squirrel projects away in his dank little cave -- unfortunately, he doesn't ever do anything with them and we're constantly surprised by missed deadlines and neglected correspondence. I've got a lovely investigation right now that should be a lot of fun: stolen goods, seized assets and an almost million-dollar recovery. Woohoo!

productive lass

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