Recovery mode - engaged

Oct 19, 2009 13:09

It's a measure of how stressed I am when I start forgetting things. So even though I'd planned to do nothing but cook at the 14th c. cooks' playdate, I forgot ingredients and tools, and my cookbook. Luckily, the recipe I'd picked out was simple enough that I could prepare it from memory, even though I hadn't tried it before:

Hares in papdele. Take hares; perboile hem in gode broth. Cole the broth and
wasshe the fleysshe; cast a3ain togydre. Take obleys oþer wafrouns in defaute of loseyns, and cowche in dysshes. Take powdour douce and lay on; salt the broth and lay onoward & messe forth."
Curye on Inglysch, Book IV, "The Forme of Cury", c. 1390 C.E.

Easy enough. I picked up a frozen rabbit from the local Asian mega-mart, and boiled it until the meat came off the bones. I made fresh pasta -- more like fettucini than lozenges, since I cheated and used ppfuf's pasta machine, and then served the chopped up rabbit meat and broth on top of the pasta, with poudre douce and a touch of salt. It was yummy, though the noodles were a little too soft for my taste, and there was only a spoonful left when I got back from delivering a sample to mastersantiago and the rest of my camp.

We got home from Coronet and started picking up in anticipation of having a houseful for gaming on Sunday. I decided to brine some pork loins (soy sauce, brown sugar, kosher salt, rainbow peppercorns, star anise, ginger, bay leaves and water) and mash up some sweet potatos (boil with garlic and ginger until done, mash with cream) and a big green salad (duh). Sunday was full of hilarity and exactly the sort of chaos that I needed.

Today was doctor day. My hands have been a little tender over the past couple of weeks, so no reduction in meds this time -- but no reason to raise them right now, either. I'll hold at this level at least until my next checkup, and possibly until spring. The xrays showed some erosion in the bones at the base of both my thumbs and a little bit of ulnar drift; hopefully the meds will keep that from getting any worse. Otherwise, things are good.

hands, starting over

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