Nov 05, 2011 15:25
After a trip for groceries and discovering the exact noise a case of Coca-cola makes rolling down the stairs, I seriously need to settle in and get some more writing done. The ideas are all there. It's just getting things to flow and work and go where they're supposed to.
I'm also trying to get into the headspace of a character who, when he was nineteen, decided to flee a totalitarian regime because he realized that he was going to die if he continued serving in the military into which he was conscripted. That's a horrible word, isn't it? It's an even more horrible thought. I can't imagine what it would be like to be forced into military service . This character gets stationed at a border post and, one night, he takes off his boots and tosses them out into the sand and walks off into the desert. He left his boots to make his superior officers think that he was taken by the rebel faction they're supposed to be protecting their country against. He planned his escape because he wanted to keep the government from coming after his family because he is a deserter.
It's not necessarily the simplest thing I've ever tried writing. I really have to think about him and think about his motivations because abandoning his family like that and opening them up for some potentially severe and brutal retaliation actually does go against his nature. On the other hand, he doesn't want to die at the hands of some stranger, or, worse, at the hands of his own commanding officers.
He's the kind of character who was never meant to be a warrior, the role has been thrust upon him simply because he was born male at the wrong time. He prefers books and poetry, even as limited as the availability of anything besides propoganda is severely limited. He also has to deal with some guilt because he is happy in his new country and he knows that, whatever has happened to his family, they aren't. It makes for a complex situation and a character who contradicts and conflicts with himself quite a bit.
I'm working on it, though.