Sunday Scribblings Post-prompt "Weird"

Dec 06, 2009 21:06


He's known me long enough now that it doesn't shock him when I bring home something odd, whether it's a book, DVD, CD, or some odd toy or kitchen gadget that I've found. It surprises him sometimes, because story ideas or curiosity can lead me so far out of left field I might as well have gone shopping in the parking lot, but he accepts the oddities and most of the time seems to enjoy them. I've only scared him a couple of times, but he's learned that he can ask me what the hell I'm doing and I'll explain it. These days, though, I think he just assumes it's something that I'm going to be using for my writing and doesn't worry.

He has his own share of strange things that have led me to ask him what's going on in his head. Both of us have had our fair share of people who have judged us because we aren't conventional. I feel insulted when people say something about tolerating each others' quirks, because merely tolerating someone else's eccentricities isn't enough. If you're going to have a meaningful relationship that lasts you have to accept each others' differences because that's the only way you're going to be able to live with them.

It's all lead me to conclude that there is only one place in the world where the word normal applies, and that is as a setting on household appliances.

eccentricities, sunday scibblings, "weird" prompt, him & me, quirks

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