Todays meagre offerings...

Jul 13, 2008 13:47

Me tired. Me been doing crappy sketches. Me been doing mainstream landscapes in pastels. Me bought a shiny box of expensive pastels to try out and think I'm in love (is it wrong to be in love with chalk?).

And also I've been having issues about signing/not signing pastels - anyone have a clue? I don't want to spoil a picture with my name at the bottom of it.

Bad sketches:

My first try with new pastels and new meant-for-pastels pad that I don't like. So, a poor effort (and given a frame courtesy of Paint Shop):

The second try - which I love. I don't care if anyone else likes it, I'm going to get this one framed properly:

And then there's this:

And this:'s it, I think. Meagre selection this week.

Oh, and I meant to make this offer ages ago, but I'll do it now. If anyone has a yen for a bad freebie sketch of their child/pet/whoever then just give me a shout via the PM thingy on my userinfo or comment here. It would be a huge favour to me to be honest - I need to practise - and it's more fun sketching 'real' people than famous folks strangely enough. I just couldn't guarantee I'd be able to do it *grin*.

art, fanart:lost

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