Sunday Artz

May 28, 2017 19:29

It occurs to me that I have not only hardly been online the past week or so, I am also being distinctly uncreative. No writing, and the only art is the stuff I am doing at the art club. Yay for me deciding to go to a club - I knew it would make me at least do something. Even if this week's effort is a bit lacklustre.

Told best mate I wasn't pleased with it at the time I did it but an hour later was thinking it it wasn't too bad. She didn't hear me say I had warmed to it (give her the benefit of the doubt) and so she agreed it wasn't good and then detailed the things she didn't like about it. Unrealistic foliage (not that she said it as eloquently as that - believe she said 'bit above the door looks rubbish') and she 'didn't like the door at all'. Wow. Er. At least I know I'm never going to have delusions about my art...and folks wonder why I haz no self esteem *g*.

So, armed with the cloak of positivity (sarcasm), I went out for coffee today and was immensely taken by this chap peering disdainfully at me from the top shelf of a display unit. Much nervous manoeuvring of 'im off the shelf expecting a hefty price tag only to discover he was light as a feather and relatively cheap; he's only plaster. He is crying out to be painted...and the addition of a monocle of some fashion is essential. With a chain. *strokes chin thoughtfully*

Which reminded me I have another 'bust' to decorate. A photo which made my friend at the art class violently choke with laughter (I was looking for photos to draw from y'see), leading to explanations to the other attendees, which has now begun the downward spiral of my reputation in the club. Sigh.

drivel, art

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