The start of some drabbles! Woo! ...and one request fulfilled

Mar 24, 2017 01:15

Three, count 'em, three Primeval drabbles...and one Professionals one. Only the Pros one is a request fulflled (many liberties taken, shooting2kill) the others are self indulgent nonsense that appeared when I tried to write other things. Quality absolutely not guaranteed, but hey, it's writing :)

Title: Up and Over
Fandom: Primeval
Characters/Pairing: Stephen/Ryan
Rating: PG
Summary: There’s a fence to be leapt over.

“Up and over, Hart.”

Stephen eyed the tall gates, rusty and intimidating. “My tetanus shots aren’t up to date.”

“Tick tock. That Carnotaurus isn’t going to wait for us.”

“Slave driver,” Stephen grumbled, but gripped the ancient railings firmly, and with long-limbed nimbleness that belied his reluctance, was up and over in seconds. A thud of feet signalled his sure-footed landing.

Ryan heaved the gate open, the ancient chains holding it closed crumbling like dust. He strolled through.

“Why the hell didn’t you do that before I climbed over?”

“Wouldn’t have an excuse to ogle your arse, then, would I?”


Title: Oops
Fandom: Primeval
Characters/Pairing: Stephen/Ryan (in Ryan's head anyway)
Rating: PG
Summary: Ryan's in trouble.

There should be a law against looking quite so pretty when you were angry. And angry was what Stephen Hart most decidedly was.

Ryan idly toyed with the idea of letting him stew a bit more, but decided he valued his bollocks more than some mental fodder for a later wank, so he reached down to help him out of the sink hole.

“Shortcut, you said.” Slapping a hand against Ryan’s calloused palm and holding tight. “Quicker, you said.” Wincing as he stumbled from the hole, ankle not supporting his weight, into Ryan’s arms.

“Sorry,” Ryan said, reluctantly letting go.


Title: Disobeying Orders
Fandom: Primeval
Characters/Pairing: Becker, Jess, Lester
Rating: G
Summary: Lester expects his team to follow the rules.


Becker barely glanced up. “Not now, Jess. I’m busy.”

“Sir James said to tell you that by leaving this building you are acting under direct contravention of explicit orders from Her Majesty’s government.”

“I don’t have time for this-”

“He also said that to take the newly acquired anti-tank rocket launcher would not only be a blatant disregard for his authority, it would also violate at least two NATO directives.”

"Bloody hell, I’d forgotten we had that.” A gesture and one of his men was racing to the armoury. “Anything else?”

She smiled. “Pretty certain he mumbled good luck.”

Title: Cuisine
Fandom: The Professionals
Characters/Pairing: Bodie, Doyle
Rating: G
Summary: Bodie and Doyle following a suspect in Harrod's food hall - for shooting2kill

Their target glanced around the busy food hall and Doyle hastily pulled Bodie over to a display case, feigning interest.

“Watch it, mate, he’ll clock us,” he hissed.

“Ease off. Just had this suit cleaned.” Bodie shrugged Doyle’s hand off, distracted by the lines of white oblong containers filled with brown glistening jelly and decorated with sprigs of parsley. “What am I looking at?”

“Paté,” Doyle said, surreptitiously checking their target wasn’t moving.

“You what?”

“Paté. Meat paste for toffs.”

“Got a jar of that in the cupboard at home.”

“You’re all class.”

“Too right, sunshine.” A nudge. “He’s moving."

drabble:primeval, drabble:primeval(slash), drabble:the professionals

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