So, I am currently visiting the marvellous ladywillin and she has inspired (heckled, cajoled) me to post on here again. Truth be told, real life has completely taken over and I can't even remember the last time I had the 'puter on properly never mind looked at LJ. I got so stressed about not keeping up I just gave up even looking. I do miss everyone. I miss LJ. I miss being polite enough to return emails. *sigh* Hope everyone is fabby and big massive hugs to you all - hopefully when I return home I shall return properly. I haz been ordered to. *hears whip crack*
Anyhoo, art that has been produced in the past year (not much but here's the pitiful sampling):
Starting with metre high paintings done for my goddaughter's xmas (the Scooby) and best-mate's adorable twins (who are to blame for quite a large part of the RL distraction!)
And then pastels of a couple of cats owned by the lovely cat breeder, Rachel, who gave me my annoying little little bundle of fluff called Harry. More on him in a further post (along with the six chickens that have also become part of my growing farm of animals lol).
And a pastel of a building from my holiday in France.
And some mad things I have been dabbling with using glitter, buttons and acrylics.