Sunday art. Wow - it's back!

Apr 19, 2009 23:20

*sarcastic grin*

With all the RL shennanigans I have been less than productive but here's an update. Includes sketches, Bodie, cute kitties and oddments.

Starting at the beginning...sketching at the art class:

And the next week, after a few pointers:

Then there's Bodie from The Professionals which is a present for the lovely epony with massive hugs. She had this amazing photo y'see...and yet again the scanner makes the colours look far more brutal than in RL but *shrugs* what can you do. Hang on, you could all just come to my house and see the real thing. I'll just put the kettle on...

And Char when she was a kitten:

And Cookie when he was a kitten and had a fixation on a multi-coloured feather duster he carried everywhere:

And oddments:

fanart:the professionals, fanart:primeval, art

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