NaNoWriMo 2012 : Day 2

Nov 02, 2012 23:15

Coffee is the nectar of the gods and my legs are shaking right now and I can't stop them which might be bad, but could also mean I need more coffee.

More importantly, YULETIDE TIME!!

Ohmyflyingspaghettimonster, I got my assignment and did a little dance because success. I matched on a fandom that I've been pretty into lately, and on a completely different one that I didn't even offer, so options! I have them.

Also, I finally posted my yuletide letter if anyone's interested in reading it (which it seemed like you lot were, seeing as I got 40 comments on a post that just said 'under construction'). A little late, but hopefully not so late that my author had a panic attack.  [dear yulegoat, if you're reading this, I apologize--especially if you did indeed have a panic attack]

Okay, poll time~

Poll Virtual Write-Ins for Nanowrimo

there's a poll in this post, nanowrimo 2012

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