Back in the Saddle

Apr 05, 2007 10:13

Today when I got to work there was a card from my co-workers with their condolences. It made me cry. Sometimes people do such thoughtful gestures that it makes me stop and marvel at the beauty of the human spirit. Most of the time, we are so busy in our day to day lives and so caught up with the war, with violence in the streets, more poverty, less food, parentless children that we almost forget that we, human beings, are beautiful delicate creatures and that, even with our many flaws, we are glorious.

It feels weird to be back at work after missing a week. It's like no one wants to talk to you really, so I sit quitely in my office with the lights off trying to look busy, although I truly am not all that busy. Coming back after an absence always feels like everyone has some big secret and you're not in on it. Or maybe I'm just paranoid.

I wonder what I would be like if I had been born an Aborignie and taught that I have two lives, both waking and dreaming lives. Dreams, for me are sometimes prophetic, so that makes me wonder that if both lives are to be considered real lives and one life predicts what happens in the other life, isn't that really just one life anyway? See, these are the types of things I think of when I don't have much to do and a full day of "work" ahead of me.

Anyway, I am rambling... as foxy girls tend to do. Let the church say amen!
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