May 25, 2007 16:13
I was planning on posting like once a day, or trying to, so that I had some semblance of what I had been thinking recently. Well, I got lazy. So let's see what I know to have happened recently. Saw Pirates 3 last night, and I absolutely loved it. Been thinking about going to see it again in the theatre sometime this weekend, and for anyone who knows how much money I don't have to spend on movies right now, they'll understand how big a statement that is. Work is going well, which is nice. Actually went and hung out during most of last week's Time's Up game. Ended up leaving during the 2nd round because Julia and her boyfriend smoked some pot in between rounds, and I still can't handle the smell. Planning on doing the same tonight, assuming there is room to sit down. Turns out that it's kind've enjoyable, hanging out with people in a relaxed environment. Probably coming into work on Saturday of this week, to rack up some more hours. Got paid today, which is nice, it means I can afford to eat non-Jack in the box non-Taco bell food again. I'm thinking I might start up another blog somewhere, just to review stuff. I don't plan on limiting it to any specific thing either. It'll be a restaurant/movie/video game/web comic/web site/everything review site. It's been alot of fun watching Lake Union in the afternoon's. For the past week, around 3pm every sunny day the lake just fills up with sail boats of all sizes. From here it looks like there are too many boats for them all to maneuver, but it seems to be working for them.
Reading through a book Shteevie loaned to me, called Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. It started out as a bit of a snoozer, but about 40% of the way through the book it started to get really interesting. I've been reading it for about 2 weeks now, but I only actually get to read maybe two nights a week, just because I'm so tired after work.
Still not playing WoW, which is a bit of a shocker to me. I honestly thought I wouldn't be able to stay away after playing for 2+ years.
Other things other things. I need to shave and get a haircut I think. The Pornotov (super-hero name) has suggested I trim my beard/mustache and then shave my head. Roby thinks that I should just trim my beard/mustache. I've been tossing around the idea or shaving my head and my beard/mustache off. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I like that idea. I definately need to do something, because my beard is out of control.
Hrm, I'm definately liking this review site idea. If I decide to do anything about it, I'll post here so that all the people who aren't interested can find it at their peril, or something.
Haven't watched any anime recently, which kind of makes me sad, but I just have not been around to watch it.
Well, I think thats' all I've got for this update. I'll catch you all on the flipside, or something.