time for tuesdays update

May 22, 2007 14:47

Well, here we are. It's been a few days since I said I was going to try and post here every day. I figure I'm going to change that to I'm going to post whenever I feel like I have something to say. Looking forward to seeing Pirates this Thursday night at the cinerama. It's going to be pretty easy to get to the movie, I'm thinking, since all I have to do is walk out the parking garage and cross the street and I'm there. I had previously set a goal of 100 hours for 2 weeks work, but it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to make it. I'm leaving around 6 tonight to make it Jeremy's place to work more on the board game we're making. Thursday I can't stay too late because of the movie, and Monday I left a bit early because I wasn't feeling too good. It looks like I need to seriously commit to only drinking any caffeine very rarely. It will likely only be when I want to mix alcohol with it. Drank a bunch of soda this past weekend, and I think that is what made me feel like crap yesterday. Saw Night Watch on Saturday night. It was very good, I'm looking forward to seeing it in the theatres in the next few weeks. Err, seeing the sequel in the theatres even.

Going to try and make it to several SIFF movies this year. In past years I've wanted to go, but either didn't realize it was going on/didn't see anything on the list that looked interesting to me. This year neither of those things are true. I know when it's happening AND there are shows I'm interested in seeing.

Watched the first disc on Noir yesterday, and other than the poor subtitling, I thought it was very good. Looking forward to watching another disc, whenever I have some time for it.

Watched the season finale of Heroes this morning when I got in to work, and it was absolutely incredible. I'm not going to spoil any of it here for anyone who hasn't watched it yet, but it was just one of the best things ever.

I'm still looking for recommendations on anime that I should watch. I'm assuming that most people who may or may not have used to read this probably don't anymore, but I figure it can't hurt to keep asking.

What else what else. Lloyd Alexander died last week. Chronicles of Prydain is single handedly the reason I got interested in any sort of reading, and also helped me become interested in the fantasy subtype as a genre. I would say that, if I had never pulled "The Book of Three" off of the bookshelf in my first grade class for reading time, I probably never would have become interested in playing Dungeons and Dragons, which would in turn never had led to me hanging out in my local comic store, which means I never would've gotten into the West Seattle magic scene, which means I likely never would have played L5R and I would in all likelyhood never have met any of the people I now call friend. It's amazing the effect reading that one book had on my life.

What else has happened. Oh, on Friday night Andrew and myself subjected Roby to a surprise assault of www.goatse.cz He had never before seen it, and his reaction to it was easily one of the highlights of my weekend.

Went up and spent Saturday night hanging out with 'rew and Mary. That was quite a bit of fun. I've now finally seen Night Watch, which is nice. also I've seen all of the first disc of Bones season 1, and the show is as good as the 2 or 3 episodes I had caught on the tivo made it seem.

I've been reading alot of webcomics recently. Discovered a few good ones. Theater Hopper (www.theaterhopper.com is pretty good. It's pretty much just movie commentary done in a funny way. Ornery Boy (www.orneryboy.com) is just your generic story + jokes comic. nothing to special about it, but it's a fun read. I'm still reading MegaTokyo (www.megatokyo.com) and Penny-Arcade (www.penny-arcade.com) as well as at least 15 more on a semi-regular basis. It's gotten to the point where I'll sometimes fall a few days/week behind on reading comics because I'll forget about them. Finally spent the time to catch up on Errant Story (www.errantstory.com) which is nice, because I was a big fan of Exploitation Now back in the day, and seeing Poe's artwork again is very nice.

I'm looking forward to my next paycheck. Current plan is to purchase a few new pairs of pants as most of the ones I own now are actually unwearable outside of my house. I'm also planning on picking up some new shoes, since the ones I have no are not very supportive, and taking the bus every day to/from work means I do a decent amount of walking. The only other thing I'm looking at picking up is some sort of MP3 player, possibly an Ipod nano. For awhile I was set on a giant mp3 player, but I realized that I can get away with a much smaller amount of space.

I think that's probably everything to comment on today
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