Jul 13, 2005 17:29
Well, the day is nearly upon us. I hope you're all as excited as i am. The festivites at the Borders do not begin until nine o'clock on Friday the fifteenth. Although the website and employees can only offer vague suggestions as to what the night consists of i believe it is safe to assume there will be hogwarts worthy "treats," a costume contest, and hopefully trivia. If we are lucky they will not gear the entire night toward eight-year-old amusement. Lauren and i will be arriving at the bookstore sometime around 8:30, with our aunt. As of now we will be fully costumed. Look for lauren, she'll be dressed completely in white.
Everyone who intends to leave the store with a copy of Half-Blood Prince must bring their money and pay that night. Border's is selling the book for $20.99 +tax. Even if i preordered your book it has not been paid for, therefore you cannot pay me for it later, you will be paying at the store.
The building will be very crowded, if not at first, definitely by midnight. I'd advise you to try and dress cooly. Fun attire is also encouraged!
do you all know who your ride is? Questions, comments, concerns?