This drabble is for
hazelwho, who bid on me during the Support Stacie auction. Her prompt was "breakfast". This works as Rose/Ten OR Rose/10 II. I'll leave it up to you.
“Best meal you’ve ever had,” the Doctor says.
Rose looks up over her bowl of cereal.
“What’s your favorite meal?”
Rose thinks hard for a moment, tapping her spoon on the table “I know! Those messy meatpies on that planet with the pink sky.”
The Doctor nods in recognition. “That was Charis. Delicious pies.”
“We ate them with our fingers, remember?”
“Oh, I do.” The image of Rose licking her fingers and giggling stayed with him for a long time.
“And you?” Rose looked at him expectantly. “What’s your favorite meal?”
“Breakfast,” he says softly. “Right here. With you.”