FIC: [Haven] Risen - Duke/Nathan, NC-17

Sep 22, 2014 23:33

TITLE: Risen
AUTHOR: Roseveare
LENGTH: 29,000 words
SUMMARY: When Jordan turns up dead with Duke's brother suspected, the deal struck for Nathan's life with the Guard and his relationship with Duke are put under strain. But then it seems Jordan isn't going to take death lying down...
DISCLAIMER: Not mine, no profit, yadda, yadda, yadda.
NOTES: Sequel to Unbreakable, five episodes/a few weeks down the line post 4.6. This is essentially a remix of the mid-season arc with Jordan and Wade, because in my world Jordan's not gone, dammit, and I wanted grief and soul-searching from the boys after that screw-up, dammit, and nothing about canon Wade-as-serial-killer made sense (dammit).
NOTES #2: This is the middle installment of a trilogy, and I ask that people bear with the issues that remain unresolved in it, because a lot of things are building to be addressed in the third and final story.
WARNINGS: Accidental dubious consent, because Duke and Nathan are idiots. Some gore and violence.
THANKS: To Kattahj, Miah_Arthur and rheasilvia for beta input.

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Apologies, but I lack the energy today to split the 29,000 words of this into three separate linked posts while flailing wildly about the suckage of LJs posting capacity compared to DW.

lexie dewitt, duke/nathan, haven fanfic, duke crocker, jordan mckee, dwight/jordan, nathan wuornos, fanfic, haven, wade crocker, dwight hendrickson

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