I can't pretend that I don't see this...

Aug 14, 2011 03:31

My life is fucked now. Over. I no longer am alive inside. I have no compassion anymore. I can't feel anything. I'm emotionally numb. She cheated on me twice w Ashley. She let Ash touch her twice. I plan on staying fucked up for a while. I've never loved somebody so much in my life. I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I knew better. Everytime I give somebody te benefit, I fuck myself. I'm stupid. I said it on so many occasions. I called it. Everything.... EVERYTHING. She kissed Ash on her bday too cuz she was pissed at me cuz I cut myself. I'll never trust another person in my life. I'm empty. I'm dead. I'm gone. I no longer feel anything. I'm numb. There's nothing left in me. I have nomore compassion. I'm going to bed now. I can't keep my eyes open. Btw, I moved into my apartment. Yay... And happy jen. Hope u have lotso fun.

cheating, bday, moving, jen, apartment, booshi, ashley, nicole, relationship, girlfriends

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