Oct 25, 2010 12:28

Srsly?? Fuck my life!!

I met Booshi's parents the other night. :) They's pretty cool, and I guess they like me. :) But that's not why the FML... :-/

So, yesterday I was gonna go to Booshi's. Mind you, this would be the first time ever going over there. And since she still lives with the bitch, of course the bitch starts freaking out. Saying she's gonna beat my ass, and blah, blah, blah. I said w/e Booshi, let her hit me. I'm tired of the games this bitch plays, and I told you I'd fight for you. I know I'm gonna have to. There's no way around it. Me and this bitch are gonna fight.

Well, the other night at work, booshi still calls her on her first 10 minute break and whatnot. Still says I love you to her, because she does. She just doesn't wanna be with her anymore. So she says. I'm just scares shitless this girl's gonna fuck me over.

Anyways, she says, I gotta go, love you bye. Now her break really was over. I just happened to get my break like 1 min b4 she had to go back. Well, when she said bye to her, I was like, BYE! Well the bitch didnt like that. She's like, "Who's that?" Booshi didn't wanna start any shit, so she said, "Idk what that was." Bitch asked, "Was that Kristen?" And I just started laughing. I couldn't help it.

Well, she got pissed and they hung up, and she sent Booshi a text saying, "You need to tell her to watch it. I'm not fucking around anymore. She's done. That was so uncalled for." Something else, can't remember, don't care to. I looked at Booshi and said, "No. What was uncalled for, was her calling me a whore."

TWICE! Once before me and Booshi ever even talked about getting involved, and again a couple nights before this whole "BYE" thing took place. And yet, I'm just supposed to brush that shit off like it was nothing and go about my business?? But she can't handle a simple BYE?! It's like not I said, 'Bye BITCH' or anything. As much as I WANTED to. I didn't.

But I told Booshi, this bitch can lick the cum off my left pussy lip after she's done doin what she does down there, 'cause I'm sick of this bitch's shit. She's on my last nerve. No, fuck that. I have no nerves left for this bitch.

Anyyways, so I was supposed to go over there. Well I was gonna wait until after I put Bean to sleep, because I don't need her seeing me fight, if this bitch was there, and felt the need to start shit. My Beanie doesn't need to be in the middle of anything.

Well, it's 9, and Hannah ran downstairs to grab her pop to have a drink right beofre she went to sleep. Tracy was here... "Oh Bert wants Hannah to come over and say hi." I  said, "He can't come over here and say hi?" "He's in pain." "Hannah needs to sleep. She's got school in the morning, plus I have plans." Well, I was just the biggest piece of shit for causing such an uproar bout this.

So of course, I gave in, and EVERYBODY ELSE was fucking happy. She goes over says hi or w/e, comes back, oh my mom's gonna put her to sleep, 'cause she needs calm. I said, "No, she needs to sleep. If people would leave her ALONE, she'd be laying down, almost asleep already." But no. She stays down with Gma. AND DOESN'T GO TO FUCKING SLEEP FOR 2 HOURS!!! 2 HOURS!!! AND, my dog got out when they took Hannah over. >:-/

So, I'm waiting for her to go to sleep. Well, the bitch left, and left Booshi with her kid. And it's now 11. She doesn't wanna bring the kid out at 11, and I totally understood that. She didn't even say that, but I knew. Doesn't take a genius. And of course, my dumbass doesn't think to just have my mom take me, until it's like 2 in the morning. I had a LOT of shit going on over here, and I was OVERLY irritated with EVERYONE. More so Tracy than anyone though.

If she'd have just left Hannah alone, and let her come upstairs and go to sleep. I wouldn't have had to deal with ANY of the shit I had to deal with last night.

Trisha came over with Pops, her cousin and 2 friends @ about 10, if not earlier. They're all over at Tracy's like partying it up. And I'm just fucking irate. And they keep trying to get me over. I'm just not in the mood to be around people at the moment. Especially Tracy. No, especially DRUNK Tracy. So, I just stayed over home.

They leave. Me, Erica, Gary, and Steve rode to the store and smoked a blunt. And I don't even smoke weed all that much anymore. It's a waste of my time, and money. :-/ And with Steve just losing his job, the plant shutdown :-/, I'm gonna have to pick up on even MORE bills, that I don't have the money for.

We get back, Tracy wants me. No, we get back, and Hannah's blanket is on the car, and it looks like someone fucking stomped on it. There's mud caked ALL OVER IT!! And Tracy pokes her head out of the window and laughs. And JESUS CHRIST, I just wanna hit the bitch! Then I just HAVE to come over. WTF DOES SHE WANT?? ME to drive her somewhere. Ok, first off, I don't have a license. I'm not all that experienced in driving. Let alone at night, and while I'm all fucking irritated. So no, I'M NOT FUCKING DRIVING!!

Not to mention, this bitch has been the cause of all my problems, and irritation all night. And with the luck I had last night, I'd have gotten pulled over. SO FUCK THAT SHIT!

She tries to get me to come along to the fucking bar with her. I said no, and walked away. She left, and went to drink some more and comes back. Trisha and these people come back, and leave again.

Maybe 20 minutes later, RIGHT after I go lay down and it's 3:45 am, I'm getting phone calls from Tracy, and then from Trisha. I didn't answer them. I was trying to go to sleep, and I figured they just wanted me to come over, because they're all drunk and want me to come party too. Um, no. Not happening. About 15 minutes later, Erica comes downstairs. "I'm going to beat this kid's face in with a baseball bat." Me - "Who?" Erica - "Idk. Idc. He's getting ignorant, beating on Tracy's door. Says he left his phone in her house. Tracy says it's not there, she looked."

So, I reluctantly, get out of bed, and this boy's just standing in the driveway. Nobody's going outside. I go to go outside, everybody's like, "No! He's being unreasonable." I'm like, "Fine. W/e." We're all waiting for Trisha and Pops to come back over to handle the situation. Why we couldn't,  IDK!!! This boy's gone by the time Trisha gets here. We look around for a lil while, then I say "Fuck this shit. I'm going to bed. I have to be up in 2 hours to get Hannah off to school." And I'll be damned... I fucking woke up late. And Hannah, not having too much sleep, is being lil miss crab ass in the morning.

I got her to school, and changed some of the information that the school needed from me, and went about my day. Now besides that, my day's going ok. Will it stay this way??? Probably not. My life is like, nothing but SHIT anymore. And I'm really trying to make it better, but it just seems like all my efforts are wasted. And that's all I'm gonna say for now. I'm going to take a nap before Beanie gets home. Well, try to anyways. GNite.

work, fighting, school, gary, life, fml, drinking, ignorance, beanie, bullshit, tracy, fuck my life, assholes, drama, hannah, alcohol, rant, trisha, pissed-off, annoying, sleep, steve, money, dude, ashley, crazy, drunkenesss, people, driving, daughter, marijuana, mom, girlfriend, druggy/alcoholic, ranting, booshi, games, erica

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