More poems. Lol. This girl is my muse. :-/

Oct 25, 2010 11:38


I wonder what to do.
I wonder what to say.
I know you'll be true,
but I hate when you're away.
It 's so hard to think,
when I have you so near.
I feel like I'll sink,
because I hold you so dear.
You can't imagine what it's like,
to be in my poistion.
I feel like I should fight,
'cause she's my greatest oppostion.
I love you so much,
& I know you love me too.
I can feel it when we tocuh.
Does that mean you feel it too?
When we kiss, do you get tingles?
Does it make your heart all fluttery?
I hear the angel's silent jingles,
& they make my knees get all buttery.
How do you make me feel like this?
How did this happen out of the blue?
I don't think you even get a jist,
of just how much I feel for you.

Has yet to be titled. :-/

When it come to you,
I feel so blue.
You make me happy,
but what do I do?
She's in the way,
and wants to play,
all these little,
games she plays.
I see the light,
that burns within.
It burns so bright.
Can't let her win.
And if I knew,
just what to do,
I wouldn't have,
to worry about you.
Do you bend,
again and again?
Just so you,
can let me in?

poem, booshi, poetry, words

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